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Teen Graphic Novel Book Club

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Program Type:

Book Club

Age Group:

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Allowed Grades: 6th Grade to 12th Grade

Program Description

Event Details

Meet graphic novel fans and talk about a new title every month! February’s pick is Hockey Girl Loves Drama Boy by Faith Erin Hicks. Grab a copy for checkout in the Teen Room! Meetings are on the first Thursday of every month. 

Registration required. For teens in grades 6-12.

Description: It should have been a night of triumph for Alix’s hockey team. But her mean teammate Lindsay decided to start up with her usual rude comments and today Alix, who usually tries to control her anger, let it finally run free. Alix lashes out and before she knows it, her coach is dragging her off Lindsay, and the invitation to the Canada National Women’s U18 Team’s summer camp is on the line.

She needs to learn how to control this anger, and she is sure Ezra, the popular and poised theater kid from her grade is the answer. So she asks for his help. But as they hang out and start get closer, Alix learns that there is more to Ezra than the cool front he puts on. And that maybe this friendship could become something more....