Discover how to get started with Canva, a free online graphic design tool for making posters, flyers, social media posts, and more. Learn how to set up a free Canva account and create a flyer using Canva’s free templates and graphics.
Join us to play Mahjong! Experienced and beginner players are welcome. The Mahjong group meets weekly on Wednesdays at 12:30pm.
Join Crazy 8s Math Club where you'll build stuff, run and jump, make music, make a's a totally new kind of math club.
Registration is required for each session.
On October 14, 2023, an annular solar
eclipse will create a "ring of fire" in the sky.
Visit the Bookmobile and create your
galaxy slime in preparation for the eclipse.
Learn about the estate planning process from beginning to end. We’ll look closely at the need to plan, the most common planning techniques, the documents used in the planning process, and the difference between a will and a trust.